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Metaverse in Office Spaces

Metaverse maybe a concept unfamiliar for the many of you. Considering it is still brooding in it’s infant stages, it is of no particular blame if it is a hidden variable to you. Metaverse is a collective term that is given to the Internet and all the associated accessories and varying extensions of it, which altogether form a virtual universe which is alternatively used as a replacement for our own. 

Virtual offices and online meetings are just the tip of the iceberg of the Metaverse. Predictions of an eventual future where offices are completely transferred into this Meta space is held as almost true by many. But sure, a Meta managed office is sure to be more efficient than a normal one, where things like accessibility and availability are huge concerns. 

The use of Internet and many accessories like Augmented reality tools and Virtual emulators are widespread even now, hinting at a possible virtualisation of the entire path ahead. Metaverse is entirely digital and all digital things leave a trace. So, all the interactions we have and will have in this Meta space will leave a mark, as a file or a document or a trace data which can be used to maximise the efficiency of the office system. This is impossible in a real working office! Metaverse can be used to break the domestic spiral of job hunting and hunters and break the global barriers. More and more people with varying skillsets from across the world will be hired and be hiring and thus a global unity, one more comprehensive than the one caused by the introduction of internet will follow through.

Traditional office spaces, although effective at this point of time is sure to wither away as Meta offices take over. Meta offices are not simple as a virtual space where you log on to. Instead it is the best emulation of real space with all the real life accessories to supplementing it. Meta real state has been bought and is being bought at an alarming scale which might be a sign that the prophesied Meta domination is sooner than predicted !

An example of such a scenario where Meta reality has been advantageous enough is in the case of the outbreak of Covid-19, where many office meetings had become impossible to induce. As a result the Meta spaces like Virtual and Augmented reality rooms took over, and had people communicate and work together at a purely digital level. Such meetings are at a higher level both in accessibility and availability compared to traditional meetings. On a global scale, participants can prepare themselves and meet people from all around the world only because they use such  Meta level of technology, which although might seem innovative now, is only a springboard for far broader schemes to come.

Eventually, we would actually be able to login to ‘online avatars’ which we can move and control as if they were our own bodies. A VR headset , body suits and motion sensors might remain as accessories to such an accomplishment. And with further effort in developing the technology, we will eventually be able to emulate brains signals and simulate emotions and physical manifestations, which actually might enable more workspaces to migrate into the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is incredibly self sufficient and inter operational. It is possible to add in external functional spaces that is complementing to the original working space. And in such a fashion, many separate or joint work spaces can be emulated and bound together  to form a super structure capable of handling the most intricate projects with ease and efficiency. 

The route of being Meta is in and of itself a mind boggling  concept as, we indeed are talking about a thing as foreign as an alternate reality. Although the actual realisation of such an achievement is bound to take some time, the inherent features that would govern such a state of working space is slowly being grown into the traditional and existing ones!


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